Translating E-learning and Online Training Content


Distance learning goes by a number of names and formats, including e-learning, online learning, OnCourse, correspondence study, and open learning.  The first distance learning courses, which  emerged almost 200 years ago, relied on postal systems to deliver instructional materials, exams and coursework assignments.  While primitive in today’s world of modern technology, this system is still in place in both developed and underdeveloped countries.

However, traditional education models are no longer adequate.  The wired world has recognized the need for learning environments that are available to traditional and non-traditional students who require flexible and convenient course offerings at lower costs.  To meet this demand, a multitude of new and existing technologies have been developed, including online portals, e-books, multi-media and interactive content.  These technologies are delivered over a range of platforms, including mobile devices, social networks and content management systems.

e-learningEducational Translation

Today the demand for translated distance learning courses is strong, as all countries seek to offer and increase education to all residents, develop skilled workforces and raise living standards.  By expanding opportunities, encouraging education, and improving employment skills, countries can develop globally competitive workforces.

Training Material and Textbook Translation

In the United States, colleges and universities are increasingly recruiting international students.  The increase in enrollment of non-English-speaking students in the U.S. and abroad has led to increased demand for the translation of e-learning websites, textbooks and other educational materials. In a global economy, such trends will not only continue also expand to meet growing demands.

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