9 Cross-Cultural Communication Tips For Improved Workplace Communication

Our global workplace is more diverse than ever, consisting of rich cultures, races and nationalities having different communication styles, religions, family structures, traditions, rituals and beliefs.  To ensure that  our messages are communicated effectively and that we correctly interpret the communication of others, we must be open and eager to learn about the various cultures we interact with.


Cross-Cultural Communication Tips

Here are 9 cross-cultural communication tips For Improved Workplace Communication.  These tips should help to avoid many common problems that lead to miscommunication and doomed relationships.

1.      Demonstrate respectfulness.  Identify how relationships of trust and respect are established in the various cultures that you interact with.  At the most basic level, focus on simple aspects, such as eye contact, gestures, pleasantries and greetings, symbols and signs, as these may be marked by significant differences.  Always practice active listening.

2.      Demonstrate empathy.  Look at a situation from the other side of the conversation.  Try to identify how other people view the situation and how their cultural beliefs and practices might impact their feelings, opinions and beliefs.

3.      Refrain from rash judgement.  Don’t form preconceived notions.  Try to listen to others, understand their perspective and then develop an informed decision.

4.      Remove bias.  Try to identify your own prejudices that may prevent bias-free decisions and try to change the way you draw conclusions.

5.      Avoid distractions.  Conduct communication in distraction-free settings to prevent weakening concentration and producing poor communication results.

6.      Exercise patience.  Recognize that different cultures operate at different paces.  Some have rituals and beliefs and procedures for making decisions that seem very slow and drawn out.  Other cultures make decisions quickly.  To accommodate these differences, patience and persistence may be necessary.

7.      Find common interests.  Try to find areas where you share common interests, ideals, goals and concerns. Use them to create connections.

8.      Create clear messages.  Ensure that your verbal and non-verbal communication is consistent, clear, and accurate.  When necessary, hire a professional Chicago translation services company that can translate your message into the local dialect.

9.      Be humble.  Recognize and respect the individual differences and needs of others.

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