Communication Skills

Using Communication to Build Influence: 3 Guidelines to Build Influence, Establish Reputation, Achieve Goals and Influence the World.

Using Communication to Build Influence: 3 Guidelines to Build Influence, Establish Reputation, Achieve Goals and Influence the World.

The effectiveness of our communication with others determines our reputation, the way we project ourselves in front of others and the interpretation of our responses with respect to our professionalism, credibility, confidence and honesty.   Unfortunately, communicating with skill and professionalism requires practice, years of experience and mastery of a…

Cultural Intelligence: Steps For Surviving and Thriving in Culturally Diverse Workplaces

Cultural Intelligence: Steps For Surviving and Thriving in Culturally Diverse Workplaces

The modern workplace is a culturally diverse environment that consists of people from many different countries, faiths, races, family structures, political beliefs and languages.  To communicate with your coworkers efficiently and effectively, it is critical to develop cultural intelligence and be nonjudgmental and open-minded.  To develop cultural intelligence, you must…

Management Skills Needed In Our Global Economy

Management Skills Needed In Our Global Economy

Meeting persons from different cultures can be stressful and confusing.  Because we usually are not familiar with their responses, choices, and verbal and non-verbal cues—which typically are different from our own—we, as well as others unfamiliar with their cultures, struggle to interpret their meanings and intentions.  The atmosphere in casual…